No More Bullies Page 12
Springfield, MO 65801
phone: 800-814-5728
Specializes in seeking spiritual solutions to addictive behavior patterns.
P.O. Box 194
Garrison, NY 10525
phone: 914-424-3674
“Rebuilding lives shattered by drugs and alcohol, and other life-controlling problems.”
Web Sites
(Please note: This is not necessarily an endorsement of these sites, or the information included on them; however, this brief list will give you a place to start in searching for other resources.)
(Dealing primarily with bullying in the United Kingdom,
this site also includes a section on bullying in the United States.)
(The terms “mobbing” and “bullying” are often used
interchangeably in the U. S.)
(This site charges for their services. The other listings provide free
(A one-stop resource on dealing with childhood bullying and
Recommended Reading List
1. Bernall, Misty. She Said Yes: The Unlikely Martydom of Cassie Bernall. Farmington, N.Y.; Nashville: Copublishers, Plough and Word, 1999.
2. Curtis, Brent, and John Eldredge. The Sacred Romance.
Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997.
3. Fried, Suellen, and Paula Fried. Bullies and Victims. New York: M. Evans and Company, 1996.
4. Gaddis, Patricia Riddle. Battered But Not Broken. Valley Forge, Pa.: Judson Press, 1996.
5. Kroeger, Catherine Clark, and James R. Beck. Women, Abuse, and the Bible. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996.
6. Manning, Brennan. Abba’s Child. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1994.
7. McDowell, Josh, and Bob Hostetler. Right From Wrong. Dallas: Word, 1994.
8. Zacharias, Ravi. A Shattered Visage: The Real Face of Atheism. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1993.
9. Zacharias, Ravi. Can Man Live Without God. Nashville: W Publishing Group, 1994.
10. Zacharias, Ravi. Deliver Us from Evil. Nashville: W Publishing Group, 1996.